Caroling for Cans | Outreach Ministry | Sunday, December 8

Sunbury Christiancans

Sunbury Christian Church and Surrounding Communities
There is no better way to celebrate Christmas than to show love by serving and helping others. Grab your family and friends and join us for Caroling for Cans. Together we can bless Bountiful Backpacks and Big Walnut Friends Who Share.

We will meet in the Connecting Place (foyer) after the second service and then head out in groups to the neighborhood beside the church. We will carol at each house in exchange for nonperishable goods. We will also be handing out candy canes. If you have a wagon to collect food please bring it and remember to dress warm!

Noon: Meet in the Connecting Place and then head out in groups to surrounding communities
1:30 PM: Meet back at the church for chili, cookies, hot cocoa and coffee

Questions: Angela Abshire