Lifegroups at Sunbury Christian can nurture a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Step into an atmosphere where people develop authentic friendships. Lifegroups are available for anyone who is looking for deeper connection to His word and to assist in walking out a spiritual, emotional and Christian family life.
Top 10 Questions About LifeGroups at Sunbury Christian
1. How much time is this going to take?
The traditional LifeGroup will meet weekly for about 1-1.5 hours each meeting and involve time for fellowship, Bible study and refreshments. Likewise, we encourage life groups to choose one service event each term to complete as a group.
The typical LifeGroup term lasts 12 weeks during the academic year, followed by a four week break.
There are three terms per year:
First Term: Fall/Sept thru Nov
Second Term: Winter/Jan thru March
Third Term: Summer/May thru July (Due to busy schedules and vacations, summer term will meet biweekly.)
2. What are we going to do with our children during LifeGroup?
Certain life groups will have childcare during the observed times. The typical method for child supervision happens when each adult takes a turn helping with childcare. The children benefit most when they have time to fellowship and enjoy refreshments with the full group and then time to play together during the adult Bible study.
We also encourage our life groups to reference our children’s curriculum within the church app to reinforce the lesson of the week from Sunbury Christian’s “Forest” or “TreeHouse” content. If you are concerned about helping with childcare, please talk with your LifeGroup leader and they can work to partner you with another adult for support during this time.
3. Will there be homework? If so, how much?
The main study for the LifeGroup term will be communicated in the LifeGroup Catalog. At times, groups will study a Christian Book or utilize another resource with ongoing questions. Most groups will not have a large amount of outside work and many will not have “homework” at all. The groups that utilize the “Closer Look” study will spend some time in conversation about how to dig deeper into the message from Sunday morning. These groups will utilize reflective questions that allow everyone to participate by choice.
4. Am I going to have to talk or can I just sit and listen during meetings?
There is no expectation to talk during a LifeGroup session however, participation is encouraged to help you and your fellow group members learn, grow and connect. Our goal is for everyone to feel comfortable sharing and utilize a sharing-by-choice methodology to increase comfort as well as participation. We believe that everyone has something to offer groups and we encourage you to actively participate as much as you feel comfortable.
5. Will I have to pray out loud?
Life group members will not be required to pray out loud. Everyone is celebrating and supporting each other as all of us take additional steps in our faith. We will have opportunities for group members to share prayer requests, but nothing is required.
6. How much do I need to know about the Bible?
The goal of our life groups is to grow closer to each other and closer to God. With this in mind, we are learning together and therefore there is no prerequisite for Bible knowledge to participate fully in LifeGroup conversations. Each member should base their participation in conversations based on their own comfort level.
7. Who else is going to be in the group?
Life group sizes vary depending on the length of time the group has been together and how many they feel comfortable can meet in a predetermined location. Typically, groups average between 16-20 total adults and children together. At Sunbury Christian, we encourage intergenerational groups, where people of all ages and life stages share life together, learning from one another’s life experiences and perspectives. As you are deciding about LifeGroup, we encourage you to speak with LifeGroup leaders and find out any specific details about each group’s environment and dynamics.
8. Will I always be in the same LifeGroup from term to term? Although we strongly recommend individuals to find a group, develop friendships and stick with that group, we offer three terms throughout the year to provide opportunities for our members to switch groups at designated times as they see appropriate.
It is within these lasting friendships that continue to challenge each other in personal ministry and growth towards our God. As groups grow, the LifeGroup leader may at times seek additional leaders within the group to help form one to two groups. This missioning of groups allows for new members to continue to join LifeGroups but also accounts for more opportunities for personal ministry and service areas. This organic process will be conducted with conversation and support from the LifeGroup Serve Team in order to help each group remain healthy and growing.
9. If I don’t like it, can I leave without people being mad at me?
Connection with the people in your life group can generate family like relationships and can become significant in the personal growth and development of your Christian walk. Strong bonds are created as we pray and live life together. We recognize that there are a number of different reasons a family may find another group more compatible and in the event that a group change is requested, there will be no hard feelings. Please communicate with your LifeGroup leader so they can help you find another group.
10. I want to get connected to a LifeGroup, what is the best way to do that?
The best way to connect with a LifeGroup is to message the leader using the contact information in the Sunbury Christian church app or LifeGroup Catalog. In the event these methods are not available, we suggest that you reach out to our LifeGroup leader for additional support.