Nice: Why We Love to Be Liked and How God Calls Us to More (Sharon Hodde Miller) – A study for All Women
Meets every other week on Wednesday Nights | Begins Sept 18
6:30 – 8:00 PM | Kim Haye’s Home – 6364 Dustin Road, Sunbury
No childcare available
paperback book: $13.49 (Can be purchased on Amazon)
In this life-changing book, Sharon Hodde Miller explores the seemingly innocent idol that has crept into our faith and quietly corrupted it, producing the bad fruits of cowardice, inauthenticity, shallowness, and more. Then she challenges readers to cultivate a better tree, providing practical steps to reclaim our credibility as followers of Christ, and bear better, richer, more life-giving fruits.
Taught by: Kim Hayes | 614.985.0700
Erica Maxeiner | 614.403.4756

Living Beyond Yourself (By Beth Moore) – A study for College Age Ladies
Meets every other week on Monday Nights | Begins Sept 30
7:30 – 9:00 PM | Erica Maxeiner’s Home – 387 Clifden Court, Sunbury
No childcare available
Bible Study Book: $15.99 (Can be purchased on Lifeway or Amazon)
A study of the Fruits of the Spirit from Galatians. Participants will look at the supernatural aspects of the fruit and that you cannot grow, learn, or produce the fruit on your own. You will be challenged to develop the fruit by maintaining an intimate relationship with the Spirit of God. A Spirit-filled life truly results in living beyond yourself.
Taught by: Erica Maxeiner | 614.403.4756
Meets weekly on Wednesday Nights | Begins Oct. 2 | 6:30 – 8:30 PM | Adult Classroom #2
No childcare available
Books: $15.00
A study of the Psalms of Ascent (Psalms 120-134). Traveling pilgrims sang these psalms on their way to the great festivals of the Jews. Draw closer to God as we learn to “worship on the way” as he ushers us to the next step on our personal journey with Him, even if we have to press through the thickest forest to get to it. We would love to have you join us! (See Debbie Clem to purchase or pick up the first night of class)
Taught by: Debby Bumpus | ilovejesus813@columbus.rr.com
Debbie King | debbiekingoh@frontier.com
Overcomer’s (By Impact Ministries) – A study for All Women
Meets weekly on Monday Nights | Begins Oct 7 | 6:30 – 8:30 PM | Adult Classroom #2
Childcare available | $2/child – $5 max
Books: $13.00 (Can be picked up the first night of class or ordered on Amazon)
This is an 8-week study for any ladies seeking healing from past hurt. We may never forget our past pain, but as we trust God to help us through, we find he is able to help us overcome and turn our pain into purpose. Join us in this small group study of the story of Joseph and how he was able to overcome the pain caused by his family.
Taught by: Gina Pratt | prattgm@yahoo.com

Living Beyond Yourself (By Beth Moore) – A study for All Women
Meets every other week on Monday Nights | Begins Oct 7
6:30 – 8:00 PM | Kim Haye’s Home – 6364 Dustin Road, Sunbury
No childcare available
Bible Study Book: $15.99 (Can be purchased on Lifeway or Amazon)
Taught by: Kim Hayes | 614.985.0700
Erica Maxeiner | 614.403.4756